The triplets soon grown up. Aylse the oldest got a job in Intelligance. Ryder the youngest and only boy got a job in Busin
ess. And Riley found her dream job in Medicine. She loved to help people who were sick and it was nice to have a girl who knew about medicine in the house. Whenever anyone was sick Riley was there to make them better. She worked around the clock for months only coming home to grab something to eat and catch up on her sleep and then going back. Finally she got to a place where the job gave her some time off. She decided to go out and look for a partner she knew she could not wait much longer or she would never find one. She decided to go out and buy herself some new outfits some that didnt look so ugly. Well there she ran in a sexy man that caught her eye. They ran into each other while looking at clothes. They started talking and she learned that he was a working man in the Slacker career and had never been married but was looking for the perfect wife. They decided to go out to dinner and that turned into a nite of fun. They ended up at a local bar drinking and dancing the nite away. When Rile
y finally relized what time it was she said she had to go home. When she arrived at home her sister said that flowers and a note had come for her. Riley knew who it was from and ran to get the note. It was from Patric
k the lover she had just met. He said that he loved the time he had with her and left his cell number. She then went to bed but could not sleep because she was thinking of him all nite. The next day at work flew by. And as soon as she got home she called him up and he came over. He met the family(Which loved him). Then they chilled in the hot tub. Lets just say good things happened with that. She soon asked him to moved in. He was so happy. He moved in and their was no stoping from their. They were soon mar
ried and then trying for a family. They didnt have to try more then once cus they soon found out they were expecting. Riley took time off work. Then one nite Patrick arrived just in time. Aylse ran out to him and said that Riley was in labor. Patrick droped everything and ran. Much to their deilght they soon relized it was twins. Two girls. They names them Elizabeth and Emily. Patrick loved the names. He called them Lizzie(aka Elizabeth) and Emi(aka Emily). They both took on one girl and taught them everything. Emi loved to snuggle with her daddy and Lizzie loved to be thrown in the air. They soon started school and Patrick took on the homework role and Riley helped when she could. Her work was picking up so she was not at home a lot. Then came the day when the little girl were not so little anymore if you know what i mean. Elizabeth said that she wanted to be a mom. She took on the role and her daddy was so proud of her.
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